Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A sense of sanity
A lens of peace
A statement of meditation
A mouthpiece of order and understanding
Silence sees but never acts
An audience of noise
A haven for stalemate
A safety shed for the cupid and the wit
A vast cloud of thoughts
A fathom trench of ideas
A weapon of no comparison
A pool of knowledge
A space for concentration
In light of wordlessnes, silence speaks
Silence is better than sadness and fad ness
Silence makes and bakes but never barks and breaks
Creeps slowly, gently, but finally grips tightly
A universe of dignity and integrity
A field full of corn-life
Introverts born to mother silence
Extroverts live to father and show the difference
Bring forth the silence, henceforth minimal conflicts
Silence tames and entices patience
Wears and scares even the strong
Provokes emotions and evokes the feelings
Inner being throws curses and threats but in vain
On the periphery silence clandestinely supplies the matters
Talkative, demagogues, immaterially they video silence
Mundiah wet the silence and Dominique drench the silence

Mundiah dominique