Friday, February 29, 2008

what next?

After a tedious and cumbersome frictions with the real and imagined dynamisms I was compelled to shrink back and ask myself what could be the next critical move and a priority on the scale of preferences ?the mind was at the verge of dizziness and my heart was heavily laden nevertheless I felt an urge to apprehend the magnitude of sadness and imperativeness of joy.searching for more friends to replace the fallen angels was like leaving an open wound giving a free access to germs to torture the ailing soul.In the whole of my life I have never thought that a man can growl like a fox and have all his human form stripped off at a blink of an eye till the moment propagandas and false allegation were systematically and strategically designed and versioned against my self-concept by my own best friends and latent enemies.Restropecting on the past experiences and building the capacity for the present inclined why it was mandatory to renew and revise the future with real and imagined prospectus without casting doubts on the perilous expedition.The more i seemed to be meditating about the perceived betrayals and denials the more the solution to this intricated grip seemed to send ripples of confidence and assuming a pseudo shape, however more efforts and commitment were highly needed to maintain a status quo in order to create a space for instrumental thinking for moving forward symbolized a loss and confusion while retreating back signified a sense of concession ,guilty and condemnation ,this could be the last stage of self –consummation and betrayals of one’s natural instinct.mundiah

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Campus phobia

Too many critics for what? if the truth is evident and can easily be vindicated ,I mumbled to myself, I concur with myself to a larger extent that most people would prefer to spend their free time doing and indulging in activities that excite and fascinate them in specific places and at designated time, area of residence is the most preferred especially if the activity is likely to cause deflation on the account, it is normal and weird to hear a student asking a question such as are you not on evening program but then what are you doing here in campus at this hour of the day, there is a common believe that a student should be within the university compound if he or she is having a lecture, this is misleading observation now that there are number of facilities in the campus which can help the student to built for the future.keepig in touch with the campus will ensure physical, mental and psychological growth among many benefits, unfortunately this facilities have remained invisible to a significant population of the student yet the campus spend alum sum amount of money In subscribing or even building this facilities yet they are left unutilized.mundiah

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The nature of political liberty is a sum total of political consciousness and the degree at which political orientation is endorsed,practiced and theorized by the respective stakeholders in any given state which is described by its entity and the level of its legitimacy, constitution plays liberal role and mandatory function in defining the responsibilities and the role to be performed by each party toward achieving a common goal of safeguarding human rights, practicing democracy, warranting social justice and engineering transparency in all the realms of public domain and private spectrum, depending with any state in the world the yardstick that is commonly used to assess and measure the facadeness and the effectiveness of any constitution is wrought on the anvil of alacrity of the individuals and the groups in reference to the codified or uncodified law, political awareness cannot ramify efficiently if at all the constitution laid down as the bench mark and as guideline for achieving a common ground is narrowly perforated pragmatically and rationally into the conscious of various political stake holders ,indeed the political map of any country or state for that case will take a free and fair dimension if at all politics are well defined and stipulated as per the formal or informal constitution ,thinking and doing politics are two apects that needs to be addressed and redressed with a lot of clarity and comprehensive understanding without admixing or contradicting either of the two for the implications are more than imagined and minimal if at all the precepts are perhaps adhered to. when people are politically enlighten they begins to attain the status of political maturity and this can be evident when they cease to think and react towards political dissatisfaction along tribal line and in any other path that may be considered unconstitutional and rationally bounded.mundiah

Sunday, February 24, 2008

democracy a liability

I think!so much have happened for the last sand of years and the best that can be done to keep the legacy alive and available is only by learning ,avoiding the mistake and recurring the better and the best ,when you start to think where to start and where to end,one begins to wonder how human life is made up of strings, series and stages of life which each carries different meanings,interpretions ,dimensions and directions, I bet that nobody would like to describe his or her own life with a negative statement but good enough we all confess joy and happiness but later seek for penance, repentance and reconciliation yet our ultimate goal is to solicit and beckon good styles of life at all cost, when I was young I never used to think but I used to be told but later in life I was not only forced to think but also to act and think when people want and when I perceive it appropriate and right to do so, where to begin and end is a matter of when I was born and how much the world have integrated and made history look like just a mere puppet to be manipulated by them who can be able to ridicule the others with an overall intention of making others succumb to a distorted history which is stressed and compressed and full of hyperboles which are assimilated and symbolised to fit the current fading history that can be described by one sentence and by one person and that is francis fukuyama the end of human history, this invention was spearheaded by the western countries during the advent of the great and dwindling democracy,infact democracy is a toy and a doll made in the west and used in satellite states to amuse and amaze the despotic leaders who got this unpleasant and undesirable psychological torture from the former colonies who worked tires sly and slowly to ensure that their exploitative countries gets raw materials and high economic growth rate and development in the expense of the third set of world typology, the existing fantasized and envied economic growth in the west can be attributed to less virtues in their respective faculties and high magnitude of vices in their wrongful and self –made conscious which contravene the nature of the human longevity and fosters the Bismarck theory of dictatorship the end justify the means, I will be very remorseful to shake a hand with democracy since it is infected with contagious democratic viruses which has led to the destruction of some of the organically enacted and inherited constitutions in the world by sweeping off and undermining various states in the world even when they stand out to be autonomous by the virtue of sovereignity of the people and supremacy of the constitution, new order in the world since the birth of war giggles and jigs with new tortures and intense violence for violence begets violence, the naivety and the trivity of democracy has prematurely given birth to incubated privatization which has witnesed to that the less developing countries have desperately and exploitativily auction all their natural endowments and political identities not to the "blacks" but to the conspiring traitorous and treacherous black natives whose grafted and grabbed accounts,land and labour will last them as long they keep their pledges and alliance to the denominated half of north America states and the lest of G8, democracy promotes misuse and abuse of the human right conventions and protocols which are inherent and worth to be upheld instead they are overtly violated both by the state and western succumbed egoistic and lewd individuals, democracy is an ageing and sickening eagle that promotes western ideologies, policies and subordination with the rails of sanctions and embargos,mundia

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Dreams sometimes are said and told to be a reflection of the activities, ideas and imagination perceived, conceived and applied on the due course of our lifetime ,a dream is an axiom that one cannot argue or even dispute about but can only Endeavor to show how normative, positive and factious it is either in the spiritual realm or in the physical domain that we have minimal control and limited access to meddle and peddle with, dreams are rarely experienced on the daily basis since it is a form of human nature which is very complex and human behavior which is unpredictable especially when the perceived views, tendencies and verdicts camouflage the reality in question ,it is obvious without debate human beings seeks reality in abundance but at the same time labor tires sly to diminish and to dwindle the reality they very much treasure and cherish by denying themselves the liberty and the right to accept the prevailing circumstances as they come and go ,a dream is seen as an outcome at the same time a paradox that is obsessive and oppressive that subjugate the conscious and the sub-conscious, it is definite that what we cognize and talk contribute significantly to what we experience in our dreams ,this may not be always the case with the dreams inspired by the spiritual forces and creeds whereby the capacity to dream is beyond individual decision and choice instead it is spontaneous and sporadic, I hereby present an individual who dreamt that he needed another pair of slippers ,in the dream it was not highlighted clearly but the need was imperative ,so the following morning as his daily routine he commenced the day by washing off the after night perspiration suggesting that he needed the bathing gears and that slippers were part of the preparation ,as he was on the process of bathing one of the slipper's strap broke off ,during the day as he was wondering on how to reschedule his programme so that he could create time to take the slipper to the cobbler for a repair he recalled the dream that he had experienced on the previous night ,the point that I want to put across is that dreams are understood after they have taken place on the real setting, however dreams are foreshadow of what to happen, imagination fathomly thought off or inculcation of what to happen.mundiah

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It is seven years since i heard somebody saying am done with this social circle and seven years after a lot have come to pass with the same bitterness of betrayal,regular and irregular patterns of low esteem intertwined with the reed of sheer mesmerization ,it would be unfair to pronounce that what is good and moral should not be repeated in the near future for history is at the best when it repeat itself for the good reasons and purpose,uninvited situations blurs our visions and forces us to make a wrong judgments which are imposed and irrational, pains and miseries have obscured and led to absurd understanding of the unpredictable human behavior and human nature which is complex elsewhere human beings have become so sensitive to the issues, actions and words that do not explains our temperaments instead it decrease the input and output of the human efort and the end result is emotional oscillations and distortion of our cognition which we heavily rely on in our day today activities. we do not forget some time but we adamantly fail to accede with the past, present and the future. even when the subjective and biased situation is as a result of our own deliberate cause we still feel and think the pressure to mount and displace our ferocious anger and assume our role in the whole saga underminig the law of preference and priorities. Life will never be the way we want it to be especially when we relentlessly want to pick a lesson from unknown sources that are but ramshackle castles on the air and conceded endeavors that convince us and confuse us of frenzy and fanatic realms that we usually apprehend when they culminate to down spiral depression and finally to demise.mundiah

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


to be sincere with myself i think i have resigned from social life due to the constant frustrations generated by my closest cronies and iam looking forward to doing something else that will keep me busy,,iam not fully conscious why iam so deeply sad but i think it is because i have nobody to love out side my tribe,sometime we lie about ourself and hurt our self even when it is not necessary no wonder i will say that i dont need any communication,friendship,relationshhip and acquintances from anybody or anything,iam tired and i need to rest,iam tired,soo tired,very tired,i need to rest,yes? indeed i need a rest ,a rest is all what i need,for iam on the first lane ,so tired and so wasted inwardly i need it so much and whoever do not pardon me is an enemy of rest,iam down and i need to rest,if i dont rest i will collapse and perish like them,iam so,so,so,so,so,so, casted what the hell is eating me from inside?only GOD'S know,is it insanity?have i done anybody wrong?no ?i have been introvent right from the day of birth upto now,right from the time i was a boy upto manhood,this not me but a man who is in constant miseries and depressed i feel like i can end myself to eternity, why iam so like this i can no longer figure out why iam so sad,stresssed,and humiliated,i dont need any sympathy or empathy or pity for i have live and leaved my heart to follow my mind,oh GOD came to my rescue and run quick for i have run out of control i no longer think positively because iam an out law reject by the society and compelled to think and confess negative things about my self,go ,go,go,,go every body and leave me alone for i have never thought i would ever go to that extent ,those who drink heavily,those who takes hard drugs they do it cause they have nobody to tell their exploitation from this life,i yell,scream,trample,shed many tears cause iam down i cant stand on my heels,oh Jesus this not real but a world of hallucination and psychosis,i had a dream of keeping in touch with reality but now i have been touched by anathema,who in this world can feel my pain and suppression,only GOD'S know for HE is about to judge me and the world in HIS own wonderful word,i stand but i am fallen and so stranded ,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh, love where are you come and tell me why i have gone bathos ,its me ,its me your dull sheep in appraisal,i kick my docile heart and imbecile self image but its so indomitable,who the hell can holla me before my life turns into hollow ,hallo my dear and daring friends one of your unloved pal is weeping deeeply like single mother who have been robbed off her dear and loving son who she cherishes with all her detrmination,this sound so fictious because the facts of this life have been rapted away from me and i can no longer access them as i have always wanted in the coming life,i have been haunted by the spirit from my own people yes my own people ,if it was those days when the prophet used to be rampant and genine i would have gone to them to consult them what is happening before i dine with my fore fathers who enjoyed love,happiness,family,leisure and every bit and large part of their lives,iam galloping like figting horse and heaving like a cardiac and asmatic patient,last was the first and me i was no where to be seen till i slept and i saw a vision and afiend dreams which were more than i could bear both in my body,soul and mind ,i become so angry with the reality for life was rallying so first that i could not catch up with it,i now hit and knock the wall of life with the bear hands but nothing is bleeding,why have men loved the blood of their fellow men so much ?a blood that they never created,who,who,who, can tell me the fathom and the width of this life,if the truth is foun in the either then i will call upon the air to smell peace and love and allow my soul to bellow a smoke of oneness and determination,and now i castigate for i have reached the end of the emotions boiling point,

Monday, February 11, 2008


First and foremost I would like to acknowledge the sovereignty and mightiness of God who have enabled us to remain strong in the midst of this trying moments especially when our own people turned their back against us, much accost to you who seem to care and be concerned about our welfare even when we turn out to be rebellious like they have done, am not trying to critic against them but the reality is evident that they have betrayed our own cause of liberating our own destiny from undesirable social conditions that have adamantly persisted ever since my progenies commenced identifying themselves with the aliens, people whom we thought were our foes turned out to be good friends and those whom we sacrificed our time energy and money on their behalf have availed themselves to be one of the worst traitors, it is on such basis we have failed to form one robust front capable of dealing with all this troubles from the grassroots.

I have tried cognitively to find solution to the disunity at the hamlet and I have found out that the solution lies on a given time framework in that the seniors who are salaried will never unite because of jealousy, envy, arrogance and the fear that if they come together and close to the juniors they will jeopardize themselves and be asked to lend a hand in terms of any assistance that may be deemed necessary, it is bended epistemology and twisted reality to apprehend that the ideal situation and longevity of our unit lies not on collective and ascriptive achievement but on the individual particularistic achievement, therefore I whistle at the juniors to put into consideration that apart from the need to be vigilant to this revelation they are also at the contingencies of desert deliration of social, economical and political upheavals unless we join together and rectify the fallacies that our ‘have they’ deliberately and pejoratively committed and in this line of perception it will be for our interest but not for their breath since they groom themselves as independent and self-sufficient and any nudge with the lest of the members of the unit will threaten their life expectancy of course it is obvious with quantification people yearn to live long but they miss a point that we all tribulated because of them when they were pursuing their dreams.

You have played your role as a mother and father in economical, psychological and social sense, well and done unfortunately my consanguinities have worked tires sly to discredit your good work which is vivid to the community that never fringed from your pivot but appreciate the outstanding task you did by taking upon your shoulder the burden of rising us from boys to men, it would be very unfair if I pretend not to point a finger against my fraternities who have wengenered whole seemly to be a causative factor or rationale behind our home to be the laughing stock and an object of manipulation, I know that my juniors do not apprehend the platform our unit is bolted on in relation to the actual and ideal prospectus but i intercede that the cleavages among the seniors and the juniors will not widen or escalate neither will there be misunderstanding nor disunity among the juniors. Pause this question to them, what is the need of their dialects and at the omega they betray their trust and paralyze their courage, what is the logic behind being firm like Zion and intelligent like Solomon if they cannot rudder my dear sister and beloved brothers to rise to platinum

To the seniors I have no inheritance for them but am firmly gripped by inward thawing that their fire on the bush will continue to add more pus of anathema to their comrade in contemplations against our reed on storm as they decoy and seek for their sympathy from their allies who will have taken upon their doomed responsibilities to spread the leprosy gospel of humors and rumors, whichever the reason theymay choose to disown theirs the thermometer is transparent in that they are spying for a scapegoat to put all their blames and miscalculated tortoise move in order they can be seen as a victim of circumstances who are trapped by the lewdness

of this life. significantly it has come to the attention of the arbitrators and their disloyal pals that they are hyenas in emotions and salamanders in food and partners in failure, They drunk during their mischievous plot and party because they were indeed cowards no wonder the hood said that on the nest there are no men because the development that have persisted can only be attributed to her effort. mbugua dominique mundia


our family is the among the many families that have been swept off from the extended family setting to the nuclear family background by the modernization and westernization wave which advocates for particularistic achievement and disregard collective responsibity,well the world is neither under status quo nor static but instead it is dynamic and always revolving both to the betterment and to the depletion of the human progress and human extinction, whom am i to resist this course of the man that is coercive and irresistable,talking about the family is anonymous to walking while a sleep this is a phenomenon that is heard off as a myth but not as a reality, a family in our current world has taken a new stretch both in the lateral meaning and fathom understanding, especially with the birth of the democratic rights, human rights,career,and even through the emergence of various systems of government, I no longer deem a family as the cause and a reason to grow into a full fledged human being rather i consider others who are outside the family bracket as the mayhem and source of the inspiration and a drive of the individual to a wide and a variety of oppurtunities,how does it feel to trod on a path that have been strolled by none ,few, many or even one person? indeed its adventorous,heroic and perilous experience especially when the contingencies have no cost,life,and even time sharing, Albert am lost within myself and found outside the merciless mass, its bit intricated and puzzling but worth to recognize that that the consanguinity and fraternities are neither practical and effective at the family level in our prevailing world due to their overriding nature and scope for they have chronically and adamantly failed to address the global pillage, i have never desired to find the root of my life at the family spectrum for the roots are shallow and are unable draw water from the global tributaries and the inferences is political, social and economical imbecility flogged with the absurd, ramshackle and tartured ideas about the ideal and actual perception of the revolving mass ,i don’t talk family but i write family to unleash the potentials within and without, however i act as if am far away from the family in order to permit a sustainable inward and outward growth and development ,a family is the first and the last when the goals are accomplished

incredibly am on the fore front shunning the credibility of the family in our moral and the mass community, nothing and nobody will describe and elucidate the role of the family in restoring a common goal of enchanting and enhancing human dignity and integrity

What does man inject into the human conscience and reject? its obvious and at the same time inherent that a family is an institution of procreation and other institutions are centers for liquidity services, I speculate that the power at the global level is even more greater than the robustness of the family in shaping our destinies,this is because the world is rich and within the reach of the individual through the technologies and the revolving satellites that have put the man at the heart of the world and the word destruction for he himself have created hegemonic conditions favorable for the socialization processes without the endorsement of the family, whichever reasons,assessement and evaluation i may hic-up to offer the a family is an archaic and uncivilized institution that weighed gold during the pre modern and pre western decades,

I therefore refute the family as the symbol, a tool and a word to describe the euthenics of my identification since there are more than I can quote of the empirical evidence that explain the dissolution of the family from the family soul, mind and body


Look i say? this is the opening remark of the discourse that evaluate and assess different perception as noted from different people since different things means different attributions to different places and times .through looking we lack what others are in abundant unless we are compelled to interpret according to others way of perception and such kind of the imposition is what have killed with an iron rod of uncreative the precious destinies of many individuals within and without the society,shedding light on the same and leaving off the shadow of the closest personalities life bears legacy and a symbol that is specific to the individual and general to nothing since specification through pacification is implication in specification, no wonder people pause questions which to others seems to be rhetoric questions, this can be attributed to the fact that what might be a mystery to one to another this might be an overt situation ,people ask questions may be because they have no prompt answers well the circumstance may be demanding for the immediate answer for this case therefore it would be wise to approach others who have plaustic answers which are readily available and which fit the situation at hand, it is weird to meditate how people create a problem for themselves and fail to provide a solution for those problems that they have created for and against their will, such mess is what have stirred the earth into a prolific, rigorous and vigorous writing by various archeologist from all over the world especially those who have been organically founded with the prospects and the aim of dissecting the issues in reference to the problems on the ground with the full intention of resuscitating the fading soul from the fantasized,fictitious or reality in question. dominique mundiah