Tuesday, March 4, 2008

more than a boy and less than a man

This is one of the issue in the society that have emerged as a fissure on the debating floor dividing the society into multiple conflicting camps, this is simply because society is a prototype and holds different views over the same issue and that their expectation of who is a boy and who a man should be is a red pepper in the mouth,almost every efforts that are made in child upbringing are geared toward nurturing a responsible and courteous individuals who can form an ideal society, each of the two have a role to play at the family level and in the wider community,amazingly some people in the community have grown up but have resistibly failed to have a uniform development characterized by rationality and accountability instead they have willingly embraced a distorted development which is manifested in the way they behave ,feel and think toward themselves and toward the others, some boys are bigger than men because of the way they present themselves cognitively contrary to some men who deserve abasement for adamantly failing to play the roles which are affiliated to the status of manhood .most of the societies play a key role in initiating the childhood to manhood through various initiation rites such as circumcision for boys, removal of some of the teeth or tooth and in some society manhood is recognized when the individual joins the marriage institiuon,however it is eye gazing to hear a damsel citing a full-fledged man a boy on the ground that he is not married, I have always been perturbed by this issue over along period of time since the society that am interacting with is totally different from the place I hail in almost all aspects such as social,ecominc and political., arbitration of this contentious issue was settled down by the advent of legal institution which outlined the minimal and maximum standards of being man or a boy ,indeed the issue of being man or a boy is culturally bolted.mundiah(sub-standard)